Lobster Mini Season is one of the most anticipated times in the the Florida Keys. This blog will explain everything you need to know from planning your day to day activities, to events and more. Most of our experienced customers tackle Lobster Mini Season Week this way to get the most fun Keys-like activities out of it. Be sure to check out our annual Lobster Showdown event too!
Planning for a Great Lobster Mini-Season in 2024
Before Mini Season
The majority of Lobster Mini-season Week’s activities kick off on Friday or Saturday before mini-season. On these days, most of our customers are fishing and haven’t booked diving or snorkeling yet. Some venture offshore with our fishing charter captains for mahi, while others target snapper and grouper near Hawk Channel.
For a relaxing and fun experience that puts you in the tropical island mode, call Capt. Hook’s to book a sunset cruise. The Keys are all about ocean fun, sun, food, drinks, and relaxation. You’re on island time now!
To secure a boat rental with Keyzboats, call early as they sell fast!
Sunday & Monday
Sunday and Monday are active fishing days with some diving. Our customers are enjoying the best of both worlds.
Note: Many customers take advantage of our excellent local chefs to have their catches professionally cooked. It’s a great way to relax with friends and savor the evening without the hassle of cooking.
Tuesday & WEdnesday
Tuesday serves as a transition day from fishing to diving. Most customers scout for their next day’s lobster harvest spots, preparing for an early start on Wednesday. While some still fish, this day is mostly dedicated to diving.
Florida Keys Lobster Regulations
Knowing the regulations is critical to having the best time on the water. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the lobster regulations to protect yourself and our marine ecosystem.
Click the button below to download the 2023 Lobster regulations.

The 2024 Lobster Showdown
Join us for two days of fun and excitement! Participate in raffles, free giveaways, music and more. Click the images below for complete details.