Dec 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Travel and Leisure has just told everyone that the Middle Keys is one of the Best 50 Places to Travel in 2021 and they even mentioned us! If you get a chance to read the article look for #14. We’ll leave the light on for you! Here is what they are saying about...
Aug 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
It has been just a short time since Mote Marine Laboratories and Capt. Hook’s has signed a memorandum of understanding in which both organizations have committed themselves to work together on a Coral Revival program. “We have already conducted a trial course that...
May 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Our Rock It! Program is coming to all three of our locations in Marathon, Big Pine Key and Key West! You might ask, what the heck is a Rock It! Program?? It is our discount program that comes a little fun. If you are inclined to look for a decorated rock that we...
May 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Vandenberg: A Great Wreck & an Even Better Artificial Reef Yes, it has been 10 years since the sinking of the USNS Vandenberg. I can remember being a part of a small family business dive shop in Marathon, thinking, Oh Boy, there goes our business. Fortunately,...
May 14, 2019 | Tournaments
Are You A Bug Hunter? Over the years, Capt. Hook’s Marathon has planned for the crowds, adjusted our staff, tweaked our product lines and prepared ourselves for a lot of activity for the Florida’s Lobster Mini-Season. It is always on the last Wednesday...
Mar 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Come join us on a St. Patrick’s Day Sunset Cruise. Celebrate Irish music and a grand time with appetizers, champagne and all sorts of fun including a beautiful sunset. Book...